How to Choose Skincare Products for Your Skin Type

How to Choose Skincare Products for Your Skin Type

Choosing skin care products for your skin can be a game of snakes and ladders if you don’t know your skin type. 

Apart from skin types, skin care products should also be selected keeping in mind factors like any underlying health condition, genetics, allergies, environment, and more. While there are trillions of skin care products available on the market today, not every product is suitable for everyone.

A skin care product formulated for consumers based in the US or UK is done so keeping in mind the skin requirement of consumers located in those regions. While concerns like acne and dry skin may be common to consumers based in the US and those in India, the skin requirements for the same concern may differ on the basis of skin structure and environment. 
Consumers based in the US have a different skin structure than those based in India. It is only ideal for consumers based in India to use products formulated to suit their skin type. India has a growing skin care industry that is focused on providing the best skin care products.
Thus, for most skin conditions observed in Indian skin, it has become possible to find the best Indian skin care products with the right knowledge. Read on more to learn about your skin type and the right skin care products for your concerns. 

different types of skin 

In This Article

    Skin Types

    The first step to finding the most suitable skin care products for your skin is to know your skin type. There are five skin types and each of them has different requirements and needs according to their characteristics. 
    • Normal Skin : As the name suggests, normal skin is skin that is well-balanced in its composition - it is neither dry nor oily and is not acne-prone. It is considered the desired skin type. 

      The well-balanced characteristics of the normal skin means there may only be  occasional skin issues like acne and the inevitable aging of the skin. Other than that, a normal skin still needs nourishment, hydration, exfoliation and protection from UV rays. 

      Skin Needs: When choosing skin care products, look for products containing active hydrating ingredients like glycerine, niacinamide, ferulic acid, ceramide, sodium hyaluronate and polyhydroxy acids. Also look for anti-aging ingredients: vitamin C, retinoids and hyaluronic acid. 

      Refrain From: Excessive use of any skin care product or using harsh products as it is harmful to all skin types, including normal skin. Avoid over-exfoliation and overuse of hyaluronic acid and retinol. 
    Application of sunscreen is a must irrespective of the weather, time of the day and whether indoors or outdoors. Look for a sunscreen that helps protect the skin barrier and also repairs the skin. 
    • Dry Skin: When sebaceous glands produce less sebum or natural oil, the skin appears flaky and dull. The skin may also feel tight with a rough texture.

      The most important step to care for dry skin is to hydrate and moisturise it. With a lack of natural oil production, the skin needs hydration from outer sources. 

      Skin Needs: When choosing products for dry skin, ensure that the products consist of active ingredients like hyaluronic acid, ceramide, niacinamide, shea butter and lactic acid. 

      With smaller skin pores and thinner surface skin, dry skin may appear to age quicker than other skin types. Products for dry skin should thus also contain antioxidants like vitamin E and C.  The best product to incorporate with all these ingredients is Hydrate Elixir. Using this every day keeps the hydration and health of the skin intact. For excess dryness, use the SkinQ Hydrate facial kit. Maintaining that skin barrier calls for everyday maintenance calls for ceramide-based moisturizer. SkinQ  Moisture Balm is the best fit for you. 

      To avoid the phenomenon, relieving the skin with a Hydrate Elixir daily will help the skin maintain it’s barrier, provide deep hydration. To amplify the hydration quotient, introducing a Hydrate Facial kit to relieve extreme dryness will help. 
    Refrain From: Avoid skin care products and practices that may dry out the skin. Products for dry skin should not contain ingredients like glycolic acid and products with fragrance. 
      Experts suggest stirring away from foaming facials and practices like excessive exfoliation, hot showers and prolonged UV exposure. 
      Using sunscreen should be made a crucial step in the skin care regime.
      • Oily Skin:Contrary to dry skin, sebaceous glands are more active in oily skin and thus, produce sebum in excess. The over-production of sebum results in clogging the skin's pores and making the skin more prone to acne. 

        So, while treating oily skin for the over-production of sebum is usually the focus, people with this type of skin should also look into products for acne prone skin. 

        Skin Needs: One of the best ingredients for oily skin and acne is salicylic acid. Salicylic acid helps to control the excess production of sebum and also clears the skin pores of any grime, debris and sebum that may have accumulated in the pores. It thus prevents acne breakouts. 

        While selecting products for acne prone skin, other ingredients to look for is azelaic acid and niacinamide. These products are most loved in the beauty industry for their ability to treat acne and help fade acne marks with long-term use.  

        Experts suggest using non-comedogenic, light-weight products. Serums, gels and matte products are advised for oily skin. 

        The best way to unclog pores and regulate sebum production is using the
        SkinQ’s Oil Control Wonder Mask. Infused with multi-actives this mask heals and purifies skin in only 15 minutes.

      Refrain From: With excess oil production, your skin does not require oil-based and heavy skin care products. Using these products can  back fire as these may promote acne development.  
        Products like facial oils, heavy creams and harsh face scrubs should be avoided. Dermatologists also suggest that people with this form of skin should avoid the use of a charcoal mask as it strips the skin of oil, resulting in even more production of natural oils. 
        • Combination Skin: If your skin feels either oily and dry or normal and sensitive, then you likely have combination skin. As the name suggests, combination skin is a mix of two types of skin. In the case of oily and dry skin, the T-zone, that is, the nose and the forehead is oily, while the cheeks appear to be dry. In the second case, parts of the face feel dehydrated and sensitive, reacting to certain skin care and beauty products as well as factors like hormones, certain medicines and the environment. 

          Skin Needs: In the case of combination skin, you can combine different treatments suitable for your skin. For this skin type, spot treatment or treating the problem areas with suitable skin products is suggested. The sebaceous glands in the T-zone over-produce sebum, making it more prone to acne. Thus, for the T-zone, choose products that are formulated with ingredients like salicylic acid, azelaic acid and niacinamide. These ingredients are known to help control sebum production as well as acne treatment. 

          Sensitive skin is easily reactive to certain skin care or beauty products, certain medicines, health conditions, etc. These reactions can look like redness, inflammation and irritation of the skin. Sensitive skin products that are formulated with ingredients such as lactic acid, oat oil and aloe vera are most preferred for this type. 

          Select a gentle, non-foaming face cleanser and lightweight moisturiser. 

          Refrain From: It is best to avoid face cleansers that are harsh and foaming in their formulation, as these tend to irritate the dehydrated skin/parts. Using clay masks or products targeted toward oily skin on dry parts can leave your skin dry and dehydrated. 

        • Sensitive Skin: If your skin easily reacts to new or certain skin care products resulting in redness, skin irritation and inflammation, or blemishes, then it is likely that you have sensitive skin. 

          Skin Needs: Since sensitive skin is prone to react to harsh and strong skin care products, it is necessary to choose products that are gentle and have a calming effect on the skin. 

          When zeroing down on a face cleanser, ensure that alpha hydroxy acid and retinol are not in high concentrations. This type of skin requires anti-inflammatory products and helps moisturise the skin thus. A moisturiser consisting of ceramides as an ingredient helps protect the skin barrier. Sensitive skin products with lactic acid, aloe vera, and oat oil are also great in calming skin irritation and inflammation. 

          The best way to take care of sensitive skin is maintaining it’s skin barrier. Using a ceramide based moisturiser is the best step. Our recommendation is
          SkinQ’s Moisture Balm, which has active ingredients infused in them. 

          Refrain From: When looking to try out new skin care products, make sure the products are free from ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, and retinol. 
        Dermatologists and skin experts also advise refraining from using products containing essential oils, fragrances, sulfate and alcohol. 

        Wrapping Up

        It can be a tricky business to custom build a skin care regime for your skin type, but regardless of all the initial confusion and trouble, it is the best thing you can do for your skin. 
        If you are still unsure about the best products for your skin concerns, head over to SkinQ AI Mirror. SkinQ Mirror is India’s first AI-based facial analytics test for Indian skin created by celebrity cosmetic dermatologist and Chief Formulator of SkinQ Dr Chytra V Anand. Analyse your skin quotient and get instant recommendations for a dermatologist-formulated skin care products and regime that suits your skin.
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